CITY OF SCAPPOOSE, OREGON CITY ATTORNEY – GENERAL COUNSEL RFP Opens: March 31, 2023 Proposal Submission Deadline: 4:00 pm on May 4th, 2023 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP) #2023-06 Overview The City of Scappoose is requesting proposals from qualified members of the Oregon State Bar, or firms that provide such legal services to serve as the City Attorney for the City of Scappoose. Proposals must be received by May 4th 2023. The desired start date to begin providing the requested services is June 12th, 2023. To download a free copy of the full RFP packet, inclusive of the scope of work, evaluation criteria, and contract documents, please visit the City’s website at: Questions should be directed to Isaac Butman, Assistant to City Manager at Owner Reservations. Changes to the Scope of Work, whether in response to requests for clarification, or change, or to issue supplemental instructions, may only be made by written addenda. The City will post any notice of any addenda to the City’s website ( It is the responsibility of proposers to check the website prior to submitting a proposal. All addenda so issued shall become part of this request. No other oral or written statements to proposers shall be binding on the City unless reduced to written addenda. The consultant shall comply with all applicable public contracting requirements. The City may reject or accept any or all proposals or portions thereof, submitted in response to this RFP. The City expressly reserves the following rights to: disregard any or all irregularities in the proposals; reject any or all proposals or portions thereof upon a finding that it is in the public interest to do so; base award with due regard to the quality of services, experience, compliance with the RFP, and other factors; and reject all proposals at the City’s sole discretion. The City of Scappoose is an Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. Proposals and Selection Process Proposals for the City Attorney request must be received by Isaac Butman, Assistant to City Manager, no later than 4:00 pm on May 4th, 2023 both in paper and electronic format per the instructions in the RFP document. Published Friday, March 31, 2023, Columbia County Spotlight & Business Tribune. CCS282658
ad: 282658
Publication: Invitations To Bid
Section: Legals
Start Date: 2023/03/29
End Date: 2023/03/31
Owner: City of Scappoose
County: Columbia
Bid Date: 05/04/23
Bid Time: 4:00 PM