METRO FINANCIAL REGULATORY SERVICES MEDICAL MONITORING SERVICES Proposals due: May 2, 2023 @ 2:00 pm REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS RFP 4169 The Finance Regulatory Services Department of Metro, a metropolitan service district organized under the laws of the State of Oregon and the Metro Charter, located at 600 NE Grand Avenue, Portland, OR 97232-2736, is hereby requesting proposals for Municipal Advisor Services. DEADLINE, NAME AND TITLE OF PERSON DESIGNATED FOR RECEIPT OF Proposals are due no later than 2:00 p.m, May 2, 2023, Submission of Sealed Proposals: Proposals are to be submitted electronically ONLY to Your submission must be uploaded prior to the Proposal Due Date and Time. We strongly recommend that you give yourself sufficient time and at least ONE (1) day before the Proposal Due Date and Time to begin the uploading process and to finalize your submission. Metro accepts no responsibility for non-receipt and/or delays in receipt caused by transmission and reception problems, equipment failure, or any other similar cause. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE WORK Metro is seeking proposals from qualified vendors for medical monitoring services, both in-clinic and mobile services, for Metro and Metro Venues. Please review RFP for further information. WHERE TO FIND DOCUMENTS RFP documents can be viewed and downloaded from the Bidlocker: LEGAL REQUIREMENTS Metro may accept or reject any or all proposals, in whole or in part, or waive irregularities not affecting substantial rights if such action is deemed in the public interest. Metro extends equal opportunity to all persons and specifically encourages minority, women-owned, emerging small businesses and service disabled veteran owned businesses to access and participate in this and all Metro projects, programs and services. Metro Local Contract Review Board Rules require all Proposers to follow and document a specific outreach effort to State-certified Minority, Emerging. Women-owned and Service Disabled Veteran owned Businesses. Metro and its contractors will not discriminate against any person(s), employee or applicant for employment based on race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, religion, disability, political affiliation or marital status. Metro fully complies with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and related statutes and regulations in all programs and activities. For more information, or to obtain a Title VI Complaint Form, see Published March 31, 2023. BT283331

ad: 283331

Publication: Construction 2

Section: Legals

Start Date: 2023/03/31

End Date: 2023/03/31

Owner: Metro


County: Multnomah

Bid Date: 05/02/23

Bid Time: 2:00 PM