PUBLIC NOTICE to destroy all special education student records which are no longer needed by the district to provide education services.

PUBLIC NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the Jefferson County Education Service District will destroy all special education student records which are no longer needed by the district to provide education services. Records will be destroyed for students who are 21 years or older and who last received special education services prior to the 2016-2017 school year. Please note that this does not include the student’s permanent record which must be maintained indefinitely by local school districts (OAR 581-22-717). The Jefferson County Education Service District special education records include students from Ashwood School District, No. 8, Black Butte School District, No. 41, and Culver School District, No. 4. Special education records may be needed by previous special education students for purposes of claiming social security or other benefits. If you wish to obtain the special education records mentioned above, please contact the Jefferson County Education Service District, at (541)475-2804, before May 11, 2023. Unless otherwise requested, all special education student records noted will be destroyed on May 15, 2023. Publish: April 26, 2023 MP286337

ad: 286337

Publication: Madras Legals 2

Section: Legals

Start Date: 2023/04/26

End Date: 2023/04/26

Owner: Jefferson County Education Service District


County: Jefferson