CITY OF ST. HELENS, OREGON JANITORIAL SERVICES Proposals due: May 19, 2023 @ 3:00 pm REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS The City of St. Helens seeks proposals from companies interested in providing Janitorial Services. We encourage businesses of all sizes to submit a comprehensive proposal offering the highest quality of service to improve our Janitorial Services at City Facilities. A City review panel, consisting of staff from multiple departments, will review each proposal for pricing and services. We intend to establish an initial two-year contract with the option to renew annually. The City retains the right to cancel the contract for any reason with ninety (90) days written notice. The complete RFP document is available online at www.sthelensoregon.gov/rfps. You may direct any questions to City Recorder Kathy Payne at kpayne@sthelensoregon.gov. Please see the RFP for pertinent dates related to this request. The deadline to submit a proposal is May 19, 2023 at 3:00PM. Published April 28 & May 5, 2023. CCS286070

ad: 286070

Publication: Invitations To Bid

Section: Legals

Start Date: 2023/04/26

End Date: 2023/05/05

Owner: City of St. Helens


County: Columbia

Bid Date: 05/19/23

Bid Time: 3:00 PM