NOTICE OF APPLICATION Pursuant to Section 50.40.4 of the Beaverton Development Code, public notice of the following development application is being provided: LD2015-0020 TP2015-0012 SDM2016-0001 SDM2016-0002 Lombard 11 Lot Subdivision The applicant requests Preliminary Subdivision, Tree Plan Type 2, and Sidewalk Design Modification approval for a proposed eleven lot residential subdivision, with removal of trees …
Notice of Application
NOTICE OF APPLICATION Pursuant to Section 50.45.4&6 of the Beaverton Development Code, public notice of the following application is being provided: Beaverton Honda Retaining Wall & Circulation (DR2015-0123 & SDM2015-0014) The applicant, Lanphere Construction & Development, has submitted a Design Review Three application for extension of the existing retaining wall approximately 10 feet to the …
NOTICE OF APPLICATION Pursuant to Section 50.40.4 of the Beaverton Development Code, public notice of the following development application is being provided: LD2015-0024 FS2015-0016 TP2016-0002 SDM2016-0004 Walker Road Subdivision The applicant requests Preliminary Subdivision, Flexible Setback, Tree Plan, and Sidewalk Design Modification for a proposed residential six lot subdivision, with reduced rear yard setback for …
NOTICE OF APPLICATION Pursuant to Section 50.45.4 of the Beaverton Development Code, public notice of the following development application is being provided: DR2015-00122, TP2015-0016 and LD2015-0026 Trillium Woods Apartments. On March, 30, 2016, at 6:30 p.m., the City of Beaverton Planning Commission will conduct a public hearing to consider a proposal by JT Smith Companies, …
NOTICE OF APPLICATION Pursuant to Section 50.45.4 of the Beaverton Development Code, public notice of the following development application is being provided: EXT 2016-0001 Murray Highland Regional Care Facility Time Extension The applicant, John Crisan, is seeking a time extension for previously approved Conditional Use Permit, Design Review and Tree Plan (CUP2013-0001, DR2013-0008 & TP2013-0006) …
NOTICE OF APPLICATION Pursuant to Section 50.40.4 of the Beaverton Development Code, public notice of the following development application is being provided: DR2015-0125 (Parking Lot Improvements at 10920 B-H Hwy) The applicant requests Design Review Type 2 approval for the construction of a parking lot and demolition of a portion of an existing structure. The …
NOTICE OF APPLICATION Pursuant to Section 50.40.4 of the Beaverton Development Code, public notice of the following development application is being provided: DR2015-0130 LD2015-0030 TP2015-0018 SDM2015-0016 SDM2015-0017 (BRIDGE MEADOWS) The applicant requests Design Review Type 2, Tree Plan Type 2, Replat for Lot Consolidation, and two Sidewalk Design Modifications, for a proposed 41 unit multifamily …
NOTICE OF APPLICATION Pursuant to Section 50.45.4 of the Beaverton Development Code, public notice of the following development application is being provided: PTF2015-0003 / SDM2016-0003 Lombard Ave. – Millikan Way Connection Multi-Use Path The City of Beaverton is seeking approval of a Public Transportation Facility application and a Sidewalk Design Modification applications for a project …
NOTICE OF APPLICATION Pursuant to Section 50.45.4 of the Beaverton Development Code, public notice of the following development application is being provided: PTF2015-0002 / SDM2015-0012 Walker Road Widening – Schendel to 173rd Washington County is seeking approval of a Public Transportation Facility application and a Sidewalk Design Modification applications for a project to widen Walker …